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I write for myself, this is a place for me to remember sites and content that strikes me as worthy of saving.

The Ugly Spirit

3 min read

William S. Burroughs's concept of the "Ugly Spirit" is complex and multifaceted, evolving throughout his life and work. It's not a straightforward idea, but rather a metaphorical representation of various negative forces that Burroughs believed influenced human behavior and society. Here's a breakdown of the key aspects:

Origins and Early Interpretations:

 * Personal Demon: Burroughs initially conceived the Ugly Spirit as a kind of personal demon, an external entity that possessed him and drove him to destructive actions. This idea stemmed from his lifelong struggles with addiction, guilt, and self-destructive tendencies. He even linked it to the accidental killing of his wife, Joan Vollmer, in 1951, suggesting that the Ugly Spirit was responsible.

 * Literary Catalyst: In his autobiographical novel Queer, Burroughs wrote that Vollmer's death brought him into contact with the "invader, the Ugly Spirit," and that this encounter forced him into a lifelong struggle, which he could only confront through writing. Thus, the Ugly Spirit became a catalyst for his creative process, a dark muse that fueled his work.

Evolution of the Concept:

 * Social Critique: Over time, Burroughs's understanding of the Ugly Spirit expanded beyond the personal realm to encompass broader social and political forces. He began to see it as a representation of "Monopolistic, acquisitive evil. Ugly evil. The ugly American," embodying the negative aspects of capitalism, consumerism, and American imperialism.

 * Control and Manipulation: The Ugly Spirit also became associated with the forces of control and manipulation that Burroughs believed were pervasive in society. This included government, media, and other institutions that sought to control individuals' thoughts and actions. He saw language itself as a tool of control, and his "cut-up" technique was a way to disrupt language and resist these forces.

Exorcism and Resistance:

 * Shamanic Ritual: In his later years, Burroughs even participated in a shamanic ceremony aimed at exorcising the Ugly Spirit, demonstrating the literalness with which he sometimes viewed this concept.

 * Writing as Sorcery: Burroughs considered his writing to be a form of "sorcery," a way to disrupt and challenge the forces of control represented by the Ugly Spirit. His experimental techniques and transgressive content were intended to break down conventional ways of thinking and perceiving reality.

Key Takeaways:

 * Metaphorical Representation: The Ugly Spirit is best understood as a metaphor for the various negative forces that Burroughs believed influenced human existence, both on a personal and societal level.

 * Dual Nature: It embodies both personal demons and broader social evils, reflecting Burroughs's own struggles and his critique of the world around him.

 * Catalyst for Creativity: The Ugly Spirit, despite its negative connotations, also served as a catalyst for Burroughs's creative process, driving him to write and explore the darker aspects of human experience.

 * Resistance to Control: Ultimately, the concept of the Ugly Spirit represents Burroughs's lifelong struggle against the forces of control and manipulation, his attempt to "write his way out" of their grasp.

It's important to note that Burroughs's concept of the Ugly Spirit is not always clearly defined or consistent. It's a complex and evolving idea that reflects his own unique worldview and experiences. However, by understanding its various aspects, we can gain a deeper appreciation of Burroughs's work and his critical perspect

ive on society.


the speech habits peculiar to a particular person.
"in his strange idiolect, he preferred to call angels “angelicals“"


the use of more words than are necessary to convey meaning (e.g. see with one's eyes ), either as a fault of style or for emphasis.

Choose Wisely

1 min read

From Parable of the Talents:

Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought.

To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears.

To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool.

To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen.

To be led by a liar is to ask to be told lies.

To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery.



Korean Buffalo WIngs

1 min read

Via: All Things BBQ ..... Tom Jackson



Korean Buffalo Sauce:

  • 1/2 cup Gochujang fermented chile paste
  • 1/4 cup Cattleman’s Grill Pit Fire Hot Sauce
  • 2 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp fish sauce
  • 1 tsp garlic, fine grated on microplane
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger, fine grated on microplane
  • 1 tsp cayenne powder
  • 1/4 tsp celery seed
  • 3/4 cup unsalted Butter


Kimchi Ranch:

  • 1/2 cup kimchi
  • 1/2 cup Kewpie mayo
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1/4 cup tbsp green onion, minced


1 min read

What attracted you so much to Dick?




For me, he’s the Dostoyevsky of the twentieth century, the guy who understood it all. Actually, I am struck by his posthumous life—not only all the movies based on his books, but all the movies that aren’t, like The Matrix, The Truman Show, and Inception, that show reality disappearing behind its representation. It used to bother me that all these people didn’t admit their debt to Dick. But in the end, I think it’s great. What twenty years ago we called the world of Philip K. Dick is now just the world. We don’t need to cite him anymore. He’s won

Appiah urges readers to see the multiplicities of our identities, which both define our individuality and describe a commonality.


1 min read


a shadow or faint image of something:In the south, where the Tibetan plateau begins its gradual rise, we can just glimpse the hazy adumbration of its mountains above the undulating horizon

Portuguese cheese lingo.

curado: aged
queijo: cheese
queijo fresco: fresh cheese
cabra: goat
ovelha: sheep
leite: milk
vaca: cow

We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. We thrash about. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life,” EO Wilson

Obloquy & a long list of synonyms

1 min read




strong public criticism or verbal abuse.

"he endured years of contempt and obloquy"

























bad press

character assassination











slagging off






disgrace, especially that brought about by public abuse.